
Storage for balcony power plants - yes or no?

, by Markus Ochel, 1 min reading time

With a balcony power plant, everyone can generate their own electricity at home. Balcony power plants enable greater independence from electricity suppliers, reduce your own electricity costs and amortize after just 2-8 years, meaning long-term cost savings are possible. With a balcony power plant, the excess energy is fed into the grid free of charge. We often get the question as to whether it would make sense to install a storage system in order to be able to use the electricity.

Why no storage for balcony power plants?

Large photovoltaic systems usually have storage so that they can optimally use the electricity they produce. This largely prevents the supply of self-produced electricity cheaply to the network operator.

In principle, the advantage of optimal use of electricity also applies to balcony power plants. However, the purchase price of a storage device is very high compared to the benefits, so you should think carefully about purchasing a storage device. When used in a normal household, the payback period is longer than the lifespan of the storage device.

Consumer Protection NRW comments on this as follows:

"The solar power is not stored in the plug-in solar device, but is fed into the residential power grid and consumed directly. Individual providers often have small battery storage systems in their range. However, there are currently no products that are financially attractive. That's why we advise against it ."

For these reasons, we advise against purchasing and do not carry batteries or storage devices ourselves. We recommend that our customers monitor the balcony power plant using a measuring device in order to be able to optimally use the electricity produced themselves, for example by consciously switching on household appliances at times when the balcony power plant generates good yields.

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